There are two types of functions:
· Built-in Functions
· User Defined functions
Built-in Functions
Built-in Functions are those functions which are stored by default in php. Php has 700 built-in functions.
- strtolower(); Converts string to lowercase
- strtoupper(); Converts string to upper case
- exit(); Stops the execution of script
User Defined Functions
User defined functions are thoses functions which are declared by users for their own use.
Creating a function in php
A function should always be declared before it is going to be called.
Function func_name (parameter1,parameter2,…..,parametern)
{ code to be executed. }
Example 1 (Function without parameters)
In this example we will create a function that takes no parameters and returns no value. This function will only prints our name on the screen.
<?php function display_name () { echo "Bill"; } echo "Hi there! My name is "; display_name(); ?>The output of the above example will be “Hi there! My name is Bill”.
Example 2 (Function with parameters)
In this example we will create a function with a parameter. This function will take name as parameter when it is called an then display that name on the screen.
<?php function display_name ($name) { echo $name; } echo "Hi there! My name is "; display_name('Bill'); echo " and my brother's name is "; display_name('Jack'); ?>The output of the above example will be “Hi there! My name is Bill and my brother's name is Jack”.
Example 3 (Function which returns value)
In this example we will create a function which returns some value. This function will take two numbers as parameter and returns the average.
<?php function average($num1,$num2) { $result=($num1 + $num2)/2; return $result; } echo "The Average of 20 & 100 is ".average('20','100'); ?>The output of this example will be “The Average of 20 & 100 is 60”.
Ok guys this is all about the functions in php. For any queries feel free to comment.

1 comment:
Wow, nice script dude, really liked it.
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