09 March 2011

How to encrypt decrypt url or code in php

When developing web applications sometimes we encounter situations where we need to encrypt/decrypt url or some code or some information. For such situations I wrote a simple php script using the default php functions:
  • base64_encode()
  • base64_decode()
Now the use of these functions is quite simple. For example if you want to pass some critical information like password in the url like:
Then you can encode it using the following code:
http://www.example.com/test.php?password=<?php echo base64_encode('skills2earn'); ?>
The output of the above code will be:


Now when you want to decode/decrypt it you can do it using the following code:
echo base64_decode('c2tpbGxzMmVhcm4=');
The output of the above code will be:

Well guyz that was a very simple php encryption and decryption technique, if you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to comment.


asfund said...

this was very helpful for me. thank you

siva said...

nice post but small suggestion from my perspective is

if i copy encrypted data form url and i pass the same value in "base64_decode()" in my php file then i will get encrypted text, i.e original password i can see

so its unsecure, its my option

Anonymous said...

yes, ryt i agree with SIVA,